Each license allows the subscriber to use our WIN cloud platform along with all our softwares only on one PC and one Smartphone.
The subscribers can use the contents of innovation and start-up suite only for their own personal use. Public use of the software in, tools, WIN cloud platform or any content is strictly prohibited unless the subscriber has subscribed to enterprise plans.
We own the right to make changes, do additions and deletions in the WIN cloud platform without the consent of the subscribers.
The subscription allows lifetime access to the innovation and start-up suite for standard licenses.
The per annum renewal charges for premium subscription charges are specifically mentioned in the table given for each plan.
All the updates will be free of cost and done periodically
Caution: Any attempt to share the access password with unauthorized people will be detected by built in security feature and the account of the subscriber will be permanently disabled without any prior notification. Any misuse of the software and tools will be dealt with strict penalty and punishable as per the law of the land. All copyrights are strictly reserved by World InnovatioNext Network Private Limited.